1. The round state of a drop is expected to _______ ?
Answer: Surface pressure

GK,General Knowledge,Current Affairs,GK Study,GKstudyjob,Education,Competitive Exam tips,Entrance Question Answer,SSC,UPSC
GK,General Knowledge,Current Affairs,GK Study,GKstudyjob,Education,Competitive Exam tips,Entrance Question Answer,SSC,UPSC

*2. Who is the present RBI Senator ?
Answer: Urjit Patel
3. Earth is shielded from Ultra voilet radiation by _______ ?
Answer: Ozone
4. In the event that we move from equator to shaft the estimation of speeding up because of gravity "g"_______ ?
Answer: Increments
5. Capital of VeneZuela ?
Answer: Karakkas
6. Strong carbon dioxide is known as ______?
Answer: Dry ice
7. Tank was first presented in which nation ?
Answer: France
8. Which instrument is utilized to quantify circulatory strain ?
Answer: Sphygmomano meter
9. What number of waterfront states are in India ?
Answer: 9
10. The nation which lost the biggest number of individuals in the second world war ?
Answer: Japan
11. What number of central obligations are laid in the constitution of India ?
Answer: 11
11 a. What number of central rights are perceived in the constitution of India ?
Answer: 6
12. Which is the Greatest Historical center ?
Answer: English Historical center, London
13. Shora is the parliament of _______?
Answer: Afghanistan
14. Who is the main individual to get Param vir chakra ?
Answer: Major Somnath Sharma
15. Which is the biggest new water lake in India ?
Answer: Wular Lake
15 a. Wular Lake is in which state?
Answer: Jammu and Kashmir
16. Which is the longest stream in peninsular India ?
Answer: Godavari Stream
16 a. Stream godavari starts from ?
Answer: Brahmagiri Mountain
17. What is the full type of SIM ?
Answer: Endorser Personality Module
18. Who is the originator of Van Mahotsav ?
Answer: K.M. Munshi
19. What is the full type of https ?
Answer: Hypertext Move Convention Secure
20. Where is Sardar Sarovar venture arranged ?
Answer: Gujarat
21. Which is the coldest planet in the nearby planetary group?
Answer: Neptune
22. Which is the Longest National Roadway in India ?
Answer: NH 44 (old name NH 7)
23. Which is the littlest National Roadway in India ?
Answer: NH 966B
24. What number of bones are there in human skull ?
Answer: 22
25. Association open administration commission was built up on ?
Answer: 1 October 1926
26. Kyoto convention was embraced in which year ?
Answer: 11-Dec-1997
27. Kyoto convention was came in to constrain from which year ?
Answer: 16-Feb-2005
28.Kyoto is the city from which nation?
29. Gadget utilized for measure radiation ?
Answer: geiger muller counter
Basic and Significant GK Questions
30. Number of seats in Lok sabha?
Answer: 545 (543 elected+2 selected)
31. Number of seats in Rajya sabha?
Answer: 245 (233 elected+12 selected)
32. The second individual who arrive on the moon?
Answer: Edwin Eugene Aldrin
33. which nation is known as place that is known for white elephants?
Answer: Thailand
34. which nation is known as place where there is cakes?
Answer: Scotland
35. which nation is known as place where there is thousand lakes
Answer: Finland
36. which nation is known as place where there is windmills
Answer: Netherland
37 . which nation is known as place where there is lilies ?
Answer: Canada
38. Who are the authors of "Google"?
Answer: Larry Page, Sergey Brin
39. who is the creator of "Looks at World History" ?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
40. who composed the book "India Isolated"?
Answer: Rajendra Prasad
*41. Who is the father of indian space program?
answer: Vikram Sarabhai
*42. Where is ISRO home office?
Answer: Bengaluru
*43. Which group won initial Twenty-20 worldcup at 2007?
Answer: India
*44.Intensity of light is estimated by?
Answer: Lux meter
*45. Instrument utilized for account sound underwaterAnswer: hydrophone
46. william harvey found blood dissemination
47. What is full type of GSTAnswer: merchandise and administration charge
48. gst first presented in which nation ?
Answer: france
49. strong carbon dioxide is dry ice
50. Tank originally presented in which nation?
Answer: France

52. which is the most elevated regular citizen grant in India?
Answer:Bharat Ratna
53. which is the most astounding mountain in world?
Answer: Mount everest
54. origami was started from which nation?
Answer: japan
55. Green planet in nearby planetary group?
Answer: Uranus
*56. Which corrosive is known as Muriatic corrosive?
Answer: Hydrochloric corrosive
*57. Which corrosive is known as Water fortis?
Answer: Nitric corrosive
*58. Water regia is a blend of?
Answer: Nitric corrosive and Hydrochloric corrosive
*58. What is the full structure for "VoIP"?
Answer: Voice over web convention

*59. What is the full structure for "Stutter"?
Answer: Huge scale coordinated Circuit

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